
PRACTICE 40URS ft. Glue and Cologne Spray bottles

What’s up!

So today, I wanted to do something related to Twoset Violin. I have been a Lingling wannabe for more than a year now.

So I scanned my leftover yarns while looking at Twoset Apparel. And decided that I would try to make the PRACTICE 40URS shirt!

It was going well. The shirt itself was easy to make. It was just a black shirt.

But the details are so hard. I decided to use a needle to write out the words using the mercerized yarn.

Man, was it hard to put mercerized yarn onto a needle hole! I believe I spent a whole 30 mins or more just to do that.

But little did I know that was only the beginning. I thought I had it. But, the mercerized yarn was just too big and it was hard to spell PRACTICE 40URS.

But I did my best. I hope y’all can still read it.

Here is a picture of my work beside the image from Twoset Apparel:

Is it close enough? I hope so.

Why is it on a glue bottle, you ask? I can’t find a doll to put it on. My dolls are too big! (Well, it’s too big for Crocheted Chang’e naman)

I also found it fits this cologne spray bottle. So I made a photoshoot with it.

Here are the results:

It’s still cute right.

I actually filmed a time lapse video while making this. Watch out for it!

That’s all for this post.

Thank you for visiting us!

Love Lots!

-My Crocheted World


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