
Knitted Fingerless Gloves

Yep, you read it correctly, knitting. There was really a time I tried to learn knitting.

I just thought it is kinda interesting and cool. I mean, you use two needles, not hook.

A lot of people also mistakes crocheting and knitting to be the same thing and NO THEY’RE NOT! They are two very different techniques and styles of creating something out of yarn. They are both interesting and cool in their own way.

Anyways, I don’t have knitting needles but I was really eager and wanted to learn, so I used two pencils. It left my hands dirty with stain from the pencil graphite. And it also has that stain on the finished work. Luckily, it was gone after a wash.

Fingerless Gloves are cute. and I wanted to make one for myself just because. hehe.

Here are pictures of the final work:

I ain’t gonna lie. It’s cute and I had fun making these. But I find crocheting more therapeutic and less stressful for me. It was easier to count and count back or redo if I make a mistake.

Would I do it again? Maybe. I mean, I love yarn and knitting involves yarn so I can’t really tell, but I guess not in the near future.

I hope by then, I will have proper knitting needles.

Thanks for reading.

Love lots!

-My Crocheted World


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