
Constellation Beanie

Aside from the Sun and Moon bookmarks, I have also created these beanies that have constellations on them.

I got the idea from here.

I just found it while randomly searching for ideas for the event and I thought to myself, why not?

I have made countless beanies and crocheted so many hats like Post-timeskip Chopper-Inspired Beanie, Slouchy Beanie, and the famous Jughead Beanie. This should be a piece of cake, right?

Oh how wrong I was! hehe.

The beanie part yes, classic. I just followed my usual beanie making way. However, despite my efforts, I was only able to make three beanies.

The hardest part, however, was the constellation design. My original plan was to be as detailed as possible but it was hard.

My first hurdle began when I first tried putting the ‘stars’ with acrylic yarn. However, i looked really odd so I just stumbled and searched for white indophil yarn which is the same material as the hat.

I began with the Orion Constellation beanie and it was hard. I wanted it to be as detailed as possible but I had to compromise in order as not to take too much space in the hat.









By the time I was in my second design, the Ursa Minor, it was a walk in the park incorporating the ‘stars’. I got the hang of it.

I was able to create three constelation beanies; Orion, Ursa minor, Cancer

Here are my final products:

These will be part of our Earth Hour celebration and feel free to visit us at Bonifacio Global City, particularly at the De Jesus Oval. You can find more information about the event here.

Bye everyone!

I hope you enjoyed these and I hope to see you later and happy Earth Hour!


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