
Crocheted Chang’e for International Observe the Moon Night


I am gushing over excitement because I worked really, really hard for this project, and it payed off! It was worth it!!!

This project is my official entry for Moon ARTs INItiative Contest of the RTU Astronomy Society. It is part of the celebration for International Observe the Moon Night, which is just around the corner.

We all miss going out to conduct and facilitate Free Telescope Viewing.

Anyways, the challenge was to create an artwork that features our very own natural satellite: The Moon.

When I first saw the poster, I wondered if I could join, because those at the example featured visual arts like, painting, sketching, and the likes. So I asked the organizer if I could join as a crocheter. And they said YES!!!

One can only imagine my excitement when I realized I could interconnect two of my favorite things!

I brainstormed for ideas. At first, I thought of making a Moon model. However, I didn’t have enough gray colored yarn. So I thought of other things I could do that are Moon-themed.

Then, I had the perfect idea– Mobile Legend: Bang Bang heroes! In my previous post I featured Cyclops. Which is an astronomer hero!

Then, I was reminded of my classmate’s favorite MLBB Hero: Chang’e.

Chang’e is a hero that rides on the moon! A fitting character for International Observe the Moon Night!

I had a lot of challenges while making Crocheted Chang’e, particularly in fixing her hair.

Most of the yarn used here are from my discontinued projects so they are wavy and hard to style (very much like mine >.<)

while Chang’e’s hair is posh and straight. You can even notice it in the final product.

Another challenge I faced was with the amount of skin toned color yarn I have. I was really thrifty because I don’t have a lot left.

Nevertheless, Everything came together and I created Chang’e!

I thought of Ideas to present it. And finally settled with 4 dialogues:

  • I always sit here. What’s the big deal?
  • You want to observe the Moon?
  • Okay then.
  • Happy InOMN

I then started Chang’e’s photoshoot. It was hard to make her sit with her moon! I used a cologne spray bottle to stabilize her into sitting position.

A few editing and finally everything came together!

Here is the final product:

That’s all for this post. Thanks for reading!

Love Lots!

-My Crocheted World

PS. To view about the contest, click here


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