
Crochet Among Us – Special Guest: Elbi

I’ve been seeing a lot of Among Us feeds on my Facebook feed. I know it is a game where trust is essential or broken or something like that.

I haven’t really played the game, but I see this characters all over facebook.

I find them cute so I decided to make some. These are just small amigurumis and I just used leftover acrylic yarn from my previous projects.

They are about 3 inches in height and 2 inches in width. I used shredded old clothes as filling.

These are the only colors in my stash that I have, but maybe someday, I’ll get to make some more in other colors.



My puppy kept playing on my yarns the whole time I was making these cuties. My yaaaaarns.

[wpdiscuz-feedback id=”fj2bytj7hj” question=”Am I right?” opened=”0″]Nevertheless, ain’t she cute?[/wpdiscuz-feedback]

Love lots!

My Crocheted World


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